
1THV Ch. 6 + Ch. 7

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  • Vul de juiste vorm in. Kies uit can, could of can't. - I ... dance very well, but I just ... rollerskate.
    can; can't
  • Vul de juiste vorm van 'to be going to' in. - Last night I dreamed that we ... (travel) to Disney.
    are going to travel
  • Vul de juiste optie in. Kies uit some of any. - Would you like ... water?
  • Vul de juiste optie in. Kies uit much of many. - Please hurry, I don't have ... time left.
  • Vul de juiste optie in. Kies uit some of any. - Can you speak ... foreign languages?
  • Zet de volgende zin in gebiedende wijs. - You cannot cycle across the road.
    Don't cycle across the road.
  • Vul de juiste vorm in. Kies uit can, could of can't. - ... you come over next week, Sarah?
  • Vul de juiste optie in. Kies uit some of any. - We don't have ... apples today.
  • Zet de volgende zin in gebiedende wijs. - Could you sit down, please?
    Sit down.
  • Vul de juiste vorm in. Kies uit can, could of can't. - ... you pass me the cheese please?
  • Vul de juiste vorm van 'to be going to' in. - We ... (watch) the movie tonight, but probably tomorrow.
    aren't going to watch
  • Vul de juiste vorm van 'to be going to' in. - I ... (visit) my grandparents this weekend, I'm looking forward to it.
    am going to visit
  • Vul de juiste optie in. Kies uit much of many. - I don't have ... friends.
  • Vul de juiste vorm in. Kies uit can, could of can't. - You ... drive here, it's not allowed.
  • Vul de juiste optie in. Kies uit much of many. - I would like ... sugar in my tea.
  • Vul de juiste optie in. Kies uit much of many. - My sister is feeling dizzy, because she has eaten ... biscuits.
  • Vul de juiste vorm van 'to be going to' in. - What ... she ... (do) this evening?
    is she going to do
  • Zet de volgende zin in gebiedende wijs. - You'd better watch out!
    Watch out.