
Passover Quiz - Kindy & Grade 1-2

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  • Can death defeat Jesus?
    No. Jesus wins over death by rising from the death on the third day.
  • Can Jesus save all people from their sins?
    Yes, as long as they believe in Him.
  • Who is the One True Love?
    It is Jesus Christ
  • How can you show love to your family?
    By saying kind words, obeying them, praying for them. etc.
  • What is the title of our Passover Celebration?
    Longing for His Love
  • When did Jesus rise from death?
    On the third day.
  • How can you show love to Jesus?
    By obeying His rules, read the Bible, pray to Him, etc.
  • How do we know that Jesus is the greatest love?
    Because He died for us, to save us from our sins.
  • Why did Jesus need to die on the cross?
    To pay for the sins.
  • What is the thing that people long for?
    People is longing for love.