
Chapter 2 Lesson 2 Review

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  • Who was the Continental Army led by?
    George Washington
  • The first 10 amendments to the Constitution are called ....
    The Bill of Rights
  • Who was able to join the Continental Army?
    5,000 black colonists
  • What did the Louisiana Purchase do to the size of the United States?
    It doubled the size of the United States at that time.
  • In the Senate, each state would have _____ members.
  • The Louisiana Purchase was important to the U.S. because it gave Americans control of the...
    Mississippi River
  • Who is someone who represents a group of people?
  • Why did the British want to tax the colonists?
    The British wanted to tax the colonists to pay for an expensive war they had against France.
  • Who was the leader of France for the Louisiana Purchase?
  • Each state had to ___________or approve the new Constitution.
  • The United States made a land deal with which country to purchase the Louisiana Territory?
  • Lewis and Clark could not find...
    a river route to the Pacific Ocean
  • Colonies asked for the Declaration of Independence to be written because they feared they were losing...
    their right to self-government.
  • Lewis and Clark succeeded in...
    bringing back important information about the land and people of the west.
  • How many states did the Louisiana Purchase make?
  • What is a group of people who are responsible for making a country’s laws?
  • What was created to solve the problem of having one state have too much power?
    Two houses of government were created: the Senate and the House of Representatives.
  • Lewis and Clark were hired to do what 2 things?
    1.) Find a river route to the Pacific Ocean 2.) Make contact with the Native Americans in the region.
  • The new nation stretched from.....
    the Atlantic Ocean to the Mississippi River.
  • Where did the Constitutional Convention take place?
    Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
  • What angered colonists because the British king drew an imaginary line along the Appalachian Mountains that said no colonist could live west of the line?
    The Proclamation of 1763
  • What is a plan of government?
    A constitution
  • Who wrote the Declaration of Independence?
    Thomas Jefferson
  • What is a union of states that agree to cooperate?
  • How much money did the United States buy the Louisiana Territory for?
    15 million dollars (cheapest land deal in history)
  • In the House of Representatives, each state would have a different number based on....
    the state’s population.
  • What was the name of the army created by the colonists?
    Continental Army
  • Why were the colonists angry about the Proclamation of 1763?
    Since colonies were expanding, colonists wanted to be able to move west and find new land.
  • Two of Thomas Jefferson’s contributions to the early United States:
    1.) He wrote the Declaration of Independence 2.) He purchased the Louisiana Territory in the Louisiana Purchase.
  • What role did women play in the American Revolution?
    Women worked at home to help. Some even fought in the battlefield.
  • What is freedom from rule by others?
  • What did the states sign right after the war ended?
    The Articles of Confederation
  • How long did the Revolution last?
    6 long, cold years
  • What did the 13 new states call themselves?
    The United States of America
  • What was a meeting of leaders to create the plan government that is still used today?
    The Constitutional Convention
  • What is an area that is governed by a country but not a state?
  • Who was President of the United States for the Louisiana Purchase?
    Thomas Jefferson
  • What is a change or addition?
  • The 13 colonies were governed by?