
2nd Conditional - what if?

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  • clothes
    If we didn't have clothes, we would/might have to walk around naked
  • have imagination - boring
    LIfe would be boring if people had no imagination.
  • use mobile phones - use landlines
    If we did not use mobile phones, we would use landlines.
  • eat fast food - healthier
    People would/might be healthier if they ate less fast food.
  • drink more water - be more alert
    I would/ might be more alert if I drank more water.
  • bees not exist - honey
    If bees did not exist, there would be no honey.
  • drive cars - bike more
    People would/might bike more if they drove less.
  • Police - more crime
    There would be more crime if there was/were no police.
  • computers
    If compters did not exist, we would/might ...
  • The Moon
    If we did not have the Moon, it would be dark at night.
  • use public transport - air pollution
    If people did not use public transport, there would be more air pollution
  • have the Internet - people see each other more
    If we did not have the Internet, people would see each other more.
  • Netflix - bored
    We would be bored if there was no Netflix.
  • Social media - life easier
    Life would be a lot easier if there was/were no social media.
  • have more fun - life better
    Life would be better if we had more fun!