
Prank or Not

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  • A zoo in China passed off a chow chow dog as a lion.
  • A few weeks before April Fools Day, a celebrity announced an impending marriage to three women at once, one of which was a distant relative. The bakery he purported to be ordering his cake from had to shut down temporarily due to protests.
    Not a prank!
  • Six students impersonated the Abyssinian royal family and got the navy to give them a tour of a battleship.
  • Charlie Chaplin went to a Charlie Chaplin lookalike contest as a joke, and ended up in second place.
  • Taco Bell pretended to buy the liberty bell.
  • A famous billionaire built a UFO and landed it in a London park while also enlisting a friend to dress like an alien.
  • A con artist tried selling the Taj Mahal in India. He came very close to selling it to a European billionaire, who wanted it for his new bride.
    Not a prank.
  • A prankster erected a fake iceberg in the middle of Sydney Harbour.
  • The San Diego Zoo put a man in a gorilla suit to entice visitors to come see their newest exhibit.
    Not a prank!
  • A Brooklyn resident promoted a fake video store that rented out films to be played on an old-school crank style projector. On the supposed opening day, the line stretched two blocks.
    Not a prank!