
Democracy in Ancient Athens

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  • Who was allowed to participate in Athenian democracy?
    Citizens who were men
  • How are citizens chosen to serve on the Council of 500?
  • What is a city-state?
    A city that is in control of its own government
  • What is the Council of 500?
    The full time government of Athens
  • What is a jury?
    A group of people selected by lottery to decide if a defendant is guilty or not guilty
  • What is a magistrate?
    a citizen selected by lottery to hear personal complaints of citizens and weigh in on crimes
  • What is the pnyx?
    An open area on top of a hill where assembly took place
  • What is the assembly
    A meeting of over 6000 men to discuss and vote on issues affecting Athens
  • What is the boule?
    Another word for the council of 500
  • What country in Athens located in?
  • What is direct democracy?
    A form of government where each individual represents their own opinions
  • What are the 5 social classes of Ancient Athens?
    upper-class, citizen, metic, freedmen, slave
  • What is the Bouleuterion?
    The building where the Council of 500 would meet