
Test Prep Game: Hinduism and Buddhism

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  • Where do most Hindus live?
  • Which Hindu holiday celebrates the Hindu New Year?
  • What is reincarnation?
    The belief that you live more than one life and when you die you are born to a new life.
  • What are the symbols of Buddhism?
    Wheel of law, Bodhi tree
  • Who was the founder of Hinduism?
    There is no founder.
  • What is the symbol for Hinduism?
    Lotus Flower
  • What does polytheism mean?
    Belief in more than one god.
  • Which Hindu god is called the Destroyer?
  • What is kharma?
    The belief that your actions will have corresponding consequences.
  • What is dharma?
    Natural universal laws that humans can follow to have peace.
  • Name the 5 Precepts
    See Picture
  • What do you call a Hindu Temple?
  • What is the round mark married Hindu women often wear on their forehead?
  • What are the symbols of Buddhism?
    Wheel of law, Bodhi tree
  • What is the name of the Holy Book of Buddhism?
  • What is Moksha?
    The state of changeless bliss- the final goal for Hindus where they break the cycle of reincarnation.
  • Which god is considered the Preserver?
  • Who is the founder of Buddhism?
    Siddhartha Gautama
  • Which animal is considered holy in Hinduism?
    The Cow
  • What is the name of the Hindu holy book?
  • Why do some Hindus not always go to the Mandir temple?
    Many have their own shrines in their homes.
  • Which Hindu god is called the creator?
  • What is the religious building called in Buddhism?
  • Which Hindu Holiday celebrates the Spring festival of Lord Krishna?
  • What is the goal of Buddhism?
    To Remove Suffering