
Past simple or past perfect simple

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  • The phone ... (ring) as soon as I ... (arrive) home.
    The phone rang as soon as I arrived home.
  • By the time the cat ... (realize) there was mouse, it ... (run) away.
    By the time the realized there was mouse, it had run away.
  • The house was very quiet when I got home. Everybody ... (go) to bed.
    Everybody had gone to bed.
  • After you, boys and girls, ... (leave) the house, all your friends ... (start) to come round.
    After you, boys and girls, had left the house, all your friends started to come round.
  • I felt very tired when I got home, so I ... (go) straight to bed.
    so, I went straight to bed.
  • Sorry I'm late. The car ... (break) down on my way here
    The car broke down on my way here.
  • Kate ... (not be) at home when I phoned. She ... (be) at her mother's house.
    Kate wasn't at home when I phoned. She was at her mother's house.
  • Sarah ... (go) to a party last week. Paul ... (go) to the party too, but they ... (not see) each other.
    Sarah went to a party last week. Paul went to the party too, but they didn't see each other.
  • Was Tom there when you arrived? Yes, but he ... (leave) soon afterwards.
    Yes, but he left soon afterwards.
  • "Was Paul at the party when you arrived?" "No, he ... (go) home."
    "No, he had gone home."
  • We were driving along the road when we ... (see) a car which ... (break) down, so we ...(stop) to help.
    We were driving along the road when we saw a car which had broken down, so we stopped to help.
  • I ... (paint) when she... (phone) me.
    I had painted when she phoned me.
  • Yesterday Kevin ... (get) a phone call from Sally. He ... (be) very surprised. He ... (send) lots of emails, but she ... (never reply) to them.
    Yesterday Kevin got a phone call from Sally. He was very surprised. He had sent lots of emails, but she had never replied to them.