
Mixed up Speech

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  • The test was too hard for my so my teacher gave me an ALTERNATIVE assignment.
  • "Adding insult to injury" The company rejected his application for a job, and to add insult to injury, refused to pay for his expenses.
    act in a way that makes a bad situation worse
  • "by the skin of your teeth" I passed Math by the skin of my teeth
    just barely got by
  • "Beat around the bush" Stop beating around the bush and tell me why Mom is mad at me already!
    Avoid sharing your true viewpoint or feelings because it is uncomfortable
  • "Going on a wild goose chase" I had been on a wild goose chase all morning searching for my keys, when it turns out my brother had them the whole time.
    Doing something that is pointless
  • You need to save a SIGNIFICANT amount of money if you want to buy a car.
    a large amount
  • Find the error: Today was the best day ever. We went to the park, eat hotdogs, and played catch.
  • Edit this sentence: These clothes is too small for me.
  • Because of the chef’s DISTINCT cooking style, his food is easily identified in a taste test.
    identifiable, recognizable
  • My assistant will now DEMONSTRATE how to use the robot.
    give a practical explanation of , explain by showing
  • Even though my sister DENIED ever wearing my shirt, but I know she wore it on her date last night.
    refusing to admit
  • His idea of selling dead bugs to make millions of dollars is PREPOSTEROUS.
    utterly absurd or rediculous
  • I made the ASSUMPTION that he was coming, so I was shocked when he didn't show up
    to assume, a thing that is certain to happen
  • If only she could REVERSE this day and start over.
    to move backward, go back
  • As they APPROACHED the building, a large group of people came out yelling.
    walked up to, neared
  • "Don't judge a book by its cover" hat man may look very small and weak, but don't judge a book by its cover – he's a very powerful
    Not judging something or someone by its initial appearance
  • "best of both worlds" Working from home is a huge plus; you have the luxury of staying at home and you get the benefits of having a job. Its the best of both worlds.
    The choice or solution has all of the advantages of two contrasting things at the same time
  • Customers have been complaining about the INCONSISTENT service they have been recieving
    not staying the same, constantly changing
  • Find the error: They was telling me about how much fun they had at the park yesterday.
    They WERE telling me about how much fun they had at the park yesterday.
  • I think it is about time we changed our ways of DISPOSING of waste.
    to get rid of
  • Edit this sentence: My dog always growl at the mail main.