
Girl's Health Review

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  • What is consent? Why is it important?
    Permission or agreement for something to happen. It's important so both people feel safe and comfortable.
  • Name 1 sign of a health problem.
    Headache, stomachache, fever, cough, sore throat, runny/stuffy nose, body aches, etc.
  • Puberty only happens to girls. True or false?
    False! Puberty happens to everyone, both girls and boys.
  • Periods only come once a year. True or false?
    False! Your period comes once a month.
  • Name two ways to take care of yourself and keep yourself feeling good?
    Washing face, washing hair, showering, deodorant, cutting nails, exercising, eating properly
  • Getting cramps is a change that happens during puberty. True or false?
    False! Cramps are a sign that your period is about to start.
  • During puberty, you might think about how you're different from others. True or false?
    True. This is normal during puberty and it is ok.
  • Signs of a health problem happening can only be seen by other people. True or false?
    False! You can have signs that only you can feel like a headache.
  • A public place is a place where you can be naked and it is okay. True or false?
    False. A public place is where there are other people and it is NOT okay to be naked.
  • Being more emotional is a symptom of premenstrual syndrome (PMS). True or false?
    True. Other symptoms are cramps, craving certain foods, sensitive boobs, headaches, pimples, feeling tired and bloated.
  • Are you allowed to tell someone not to touch you? What can you say?
    YES. No, not right now, I don't like that, I don't want that, I am not comfortable with that, etc.
  • Someone you like touches you where you don't want to be touched. What type of touch is this?
    Confusing touch
  • You can throw your used pad into the toilet. True or false?
    False. You throw it in the garbage or sanitary disposal bin.
  • Name one person in your life you can tell if an inappropriate or unsafe touch happens.
    Parent, teacher, any adult you trust.
  • Some people get scared or nervous about puberty happening. True or false?
    True! Some people are excited and some people are nervous.
  • What can you do if your period blood leaks through your underwear and pants?
    Change your clothes or tie a sweater around your waist.
  • What is an activity appropriate for someone in your yellow circle?
    The yellow circle is for acquaintances. You can do a handshake, high 5, fist bump, etc.
  • Name 1 private activity
    Taking a shower, going to the washroom, changing clothes, etc.
  • What can you do if you get your period and you don't have a pad?
    Ask your mom, teacher or school nurse
  • Name the three private body parts
    Vagina, boobs and butt
  • What are the three types of touches?
    1) safe or appropriate, 2) unsafe or inappropriate, 3) confusing
  • Name 1 physical change during puberty.
    Growth spurt, hips widen, body hair, oily skin and hair, getting your period
  • Name one person in your blue circle
    Blue circle is the family circle - mom, brother, dad, sister, grandparents
  • What's another word for menstruation? What is it?
    Another name is a period. It is when blood sheds from your uterus and comes out of your vagina.
  • Why do you need a pad when you have your period?
    To absorb the blood so it doesn't leak through your underwear and pants.
  • Once you give consent, you can't change your mind in the middle. True or false?
    False, you can change your mind at anytime. It is ongoing.
  • You need to change your underwear every time you change your pad. True or false?
    False, you only need to change you underwear if you get blood on it.
  • Not looking at TVs, computers, phones 1 hour before bed is a good way to help your brain get ready for sleep. True or false?
    True! It helps to keep technology out of your room during that time too.
  • What is a panty liner?
    They are a thinner version of pads and you can use it when you have less blood.
  • What can you do if you feel a sign of a health problem?
    Tell a parent. They can give you medicine, help you feel better or bring you to the doctor.
  • There are certain situations where it is okay for someone to touch your private body parts. True or false?
    True. The doctor for a check up or problem OR your mom to help with a private activity.