
Preparing for an interview

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  • How should you look for the interview?
    Clean, organized, well rested, confident, and professional.
  • What should you wear?
    Neutral colors, fitted and ironed clothes.
  • Should you ask the specific job duties of the job?
    Yes, you can ask for an overview of your job, but you should start with an opening of what you already know about your duties.
  • How can you prepare for an interview? What things should you do the night before?
    Take out your outfit and try it on; Print your resume; Review answers to the most common questions; Figure out how you will get there; Get good night sleep.
  • What shoulnt you wear?
    Casual wear (t-shirts, legions, sandals), tight or ripped clothing, anything too bright or flashy, too many accessories.
  • How can you prepare for an interview? What things should you do at home that morning?
    Bathe and groom; Have your paperwork ready; Eat breakfast and drink water; Have a travel plan and check your timing.
  • What can you do and say at the end of the interview?
    Ask questions, Ask about the next steps, and thank them for their time.
  • What are some things you should not say at your interview?
    Negative comments about previous jobs, overly prepared answers, never say "It's on my resume or I don't know", Do not discuss vacations, benefits, or pay.
  • Can you think of questions you can ask at the interview?
    How long have you been with the company? What does a typical day look like? Are there opportunities for professional development?