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  • An accessory we use around our waist to keep our trousers up.
  • In a shop you usually can pay with cash or ______ ______ .
    credit card
  • What's the name of the shop where you can buy rings, earrings, bracelets, etc.?
    Jeweller's / Jewellery shop
  • What word do Americans use to refer to this?
  • What is the opposite of "expensive"?
  • How do you spell the name of the shop where you go to get a haircut?
    Hairdresser's = H-A-I-R-D-R-E-S-S-E-R-'-S
  • If you are too big for your boots, you have too much self-confidence. True or false?
  • How do Brits refer to this item?
  • What's the word we use to refer to something that has a low price but good value?
  • If someone tells you to tighten your belt, they mean you have to be calm. True or false?
  • Where can you go to have a quick meal?
    Fast-food restaurant
  • What is the American English word for "trainers"?
  • Where do you go if you want to try on clothes in a shop?
    Changing room / fitting room
  • In what type of shop can you find a wide selection of gifts?
    In a department store
  • What's the word to refer to clothes which have been previously owned?
    Second-hand clothes
  • What do you call someone who is a compulsive shopper?
    A shopaholic