
Cities and Countries

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  • Which one of these is a country?
    3 (Australia)
  • Name at least 2 places you will find in a city.
  • What city do you live in?
  • Which of these is a country?
    3 (Montenegro)
  • Are cities a large group of people, or just a few people who live and work together?
    A large group of people.
  • What country do you live in?
    The United States of America
  • What is one thing you like to do in the city?
    Shop, park, zoo, museum, library, exercise...
  • Name at least 1 thing we do with a flag.
    Pledge allegiance, parade, celebration, military funeral, decoration
  • Which one of these is a country?
    1 (France)
  • Which one of these is a city?
    2 (Los Angeles)
  • Are there many cities in a country, or many countries in a city?
    Many cities in a country.
  • What is Africa?
    A continent
  • How many stars are on the USA flag?
    50 stars