
Vacation Under the Volcano Ch 8 - 10

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  • Why could they not get over the dried up stream?
    The bridge had vanished.
  • How did Annie explain the myth of Hercules saving them?
    They were in Roman times so he was real to them.
  • What does 'When in Rome do as the Romans do?'
    It means to adapt yourself to your surrounds. So if you are in another country you respect their culture.
  • What happened when they tried to get across the stream?
    They became trapped in the pumice.
  • Describe the man that saved Jack and Annie from the pumice in the stream
    He was the biggest, strongest man Jack had ever seen. He looked like a gladiator but even bigger.
  • What was Annie's nightmare? How did it relate to this adventure?
    Annie's nightmare was everything was burning which is like what happened when the volcano errupted
  • Where are Jack and Annie going on their next adventure?
    Ancient China
  • When the volcano errupted, which direction did they head?
    They headed towards Mount Versuvius
  • What was the story they resuced?
    A lost tale called The Strongest man in the World about a man called Hercules
  • Why are the remains for Pompeii important for us today?
    Nowadays, scientists study the remains so we can know more about Roman Times.