
6th Grade Review Units 1-3

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  • What type of bullying is this? hurting someone's reputation or relationships, such as excluding them.
  • What type of bullying is this? The use of technology to harass, threaten, or intimidate another person.
  • What do we call a cell that sends and receives signals in your brain?
  • Should you report incidents of bullying?
  • What can help you achieve long term goals?
    Break them down into short-term goals.
  • What can you do if you're working hard, but still not getting it?
    Try a new strategy.
  • Give an example of a specific goal.
    Answers vary
  • Define bullying
    intentional physical, verbal or social aggression often repeated over time and occurs when there's a real or perceived power imbalance.
  • Why do we want goals to be specific?
    Because it is more likely to be achieved!
  • What type of bullying is this? Hurting someone's body or possessions
  • Where might you see cyberbullying happen?
    Answers vary.
  • What type of bullying is this? Saying or writing mean things about someone.
  • Which type of bullying is the most common?
  • What is a connection of neurons that forms when you repeat an action or thought?
    Neural Pathway
  • Is the following goal specific or vague? Improve my short story.
  • What makes a goal "specific?" (Two factors)
    It is measurable and has a timeline.
  • Is the following goal specific or vague? Complete my Spanish lesson by the end of the day.
  • True or False? Bullying is easy to detect.