
Project 2 must and object pronouns

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  • Use the words to say a sentence. Use must. the students / read / the book
    The students must read the book.
  • Complete the sentence. Use subject and object pronouns. Bats are strange animals. ________ sleep in the day.
  • Complete the sentence. Use subject and object pronouns. Where’s your brother? I want to talk to _______ .
  • Use the words to say a sentence. Use must. I / tidy / my room
    I must tidy my room.
  • Complete the sentence. Choose A or B. We’re going to the zoo. Do you want to come with ____? A. we B. us
  • Complete the sentence. Use subject and object pronouns. That’s my friend Emily. ______ sit next to _______ at school.
  • Complete the sentence. Choose A or B. There are no buses to town. Please can you take ____, Dad? A. me B. I
  • Complete the sentence. Choose A or B. There’s a good film on tonight. Can ____ watch it, please? A. I B. me
  • Complete the sentence. Use subject and object pronouns. We want to go to the cinema. Please can _______ drive _______ there, Mum?
  • Put the words in the correct order to make a sentence. feed / we / the cat / must / now
    We must feed the cat now.
  • Correct the mistake in the sentence. I must to remember Mum’s birthday.
    I must remember Mum's birthday.
  • Put the words in the correct order to make a sentence. the car / must / they / clean
    They must clean the car.
  • Complete the sentence. Choose A or B. What time is ____? A. he B. it
  • Use the words to say a sentence. Use must. We / feed / the cat / now
    We must feed the cat now.
  • Use the words to say a sentence. Use must. we / cook / dinner
    We must cook dinner.
  • Put the words in the correct order to make a sentence. at / get up / Fred / six o’clock / must
    Fred must get up at six o'clock.
  • Use the words to say a sentence. Use must. we / set / the table
    We must set the table.
  • Complete the sentence. Use subject and object pronouns. There are two baby tigers at the zoo. I want to see ________.
  • Complete the sentence. Use subject and object pronouns. Tom has got a dog. ________ takes ________ for a walk after school.
  • Correct the mistake in the sentence. Dad must cleans his car.
    Dad must clean his car.
  • Put the words in the correct order to make a sentence. the dishwasher / must / I / load / dinner / after
    I must load the dishwasher after dinner.
  • Put the words in the correct order to make a sentence. make / must / they / their beds
    They must make their beds.
  • Complete the sentence. Choose A or B. Katie works with the giraffes at the zoo. She’s feeding ____ now. A. they B. them
  • Complete the sentence. Choose A or B. My dog is called Spotty. I often take ____ for walks. A. he B. him
  • Correct the mistake in the sentence. You must getting up early.
    You must get up early.
  • Correct the mistake in the sentence. She must doing the shopping.
    She must do the shopping.
  • Correct the mistake in the sentence. They do must take the bus to school.
    They must take the bus to school.
  • Use the words to say a sentence. Use must. Lucy / clean / the monkey house
    Lucy must clean the monkey house.
  • Put the words in the correct order to make a sentence. must / to / Max / school / today / walk
    Max must walk to school today.
  • Correct the mistake in the sentence. You must to tidy your room.
    You must tidy your room.