
Social Inferences

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  • You got a little glass dinosaur figurine. You put it in your shirt pocket and patted it with your hand and said, “That’ll keep you safe.” But then you heard a small sound and felt a sharp poke on your finger. What do you think happened?
    Any logical answer
  • You and your friend were babysitting. The babies were all happy, crawling around, and playing with toys. Your friend looks at you and pinched her nose. Then you smelled something. Where do you think the smell came from?
    The babies.
  • You worked for your dad all day shredding papers in his office. When you got home and went to wash your hands for dinner, you noticed two small cuts on your fingers that weren’t there before. How do you think you got those cuts?
    Paper cuts
  • A boy was riding his bike home from school and he rode past a car accident. It looked pretty bad, there was glass everywhere. The next day he went to ride his bike and the tires were both flat. Why do you think they were flat?
    Glass pieces got into his tires
  • Your sister was gone for three days on a snowboarding trip. You missed her so bad. You woke up and saw her sitting on the couch. Her leg was propped up and had a big pink cast on it. What do you think happened?
    Any logical answer
  • Your sister is having a baby. She wants it to be a girl. You are outside when the phone rings. Your sister goes inside and she answers the phone. Her face gets a huge smile and she screams, “Yes!” Why do you think she did that?
    Any logical answer
  • You are swimming with your brother and all of the sudden his face looks surprised and he says, “Uh-Oh.” What do you think happened?
    Any logical answer
  • You and your friend are on a bike ride and the sky turns grey. Your friend looks back at you with a disappointed look on his face. Why is his face sad?
    Any logical answer
  • You left your hot dog on the picnic table and walked away. When you came back the table was cleared and your mom was packing up the car. She hollered to you that it was time to go. What do you think happened to the hot dog?
    She threw it away
  • A girl went to a prom. It was so crowded that people were bumping into each other and knocking each other over constantly. The next morning she woke up and noticed one of her toenails was black and blue. How do you think that happened?
    Someone stepped on her foot