
FCE - joining sentences

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  • WHEN - WHO - WHICH - THAT - I was staying with my aunt. My aunt is a keen cook.
    I was staying with my aunt, who is a keen cook.
  • WHEN - WHO - WHICH - THAT - I went back to school after the summer. I decided to do cookery lessons.
    When I went back to school after the summer, I decided to do cookery lessons.
  • AND - BECAUSE - BUT - I found I really enjoyed cooking. I was soon doing things which were more complicated.
    I found I really enjoyed cooking and I was soon doing things which were more complicated.
  • WHEN - WHO - WHICH - THAT - I was soon doing things. The things were more complicated.
    I was soon doing things which/that were more complicated.
  • AND - BECAUSE - BUT - My younger brother and sister complained about some of my dishes. they usually ate the food quite happily.
    My younger brother and sister complained about some of my dishes, but they usually ate the food quite happily.
  • AND - BECAUSE - BUT - When friends come round to my house I often cook them something. I find it really satisfying and relaxing.
    When friends come round to my house I often cook them something because I find it really satisfying and relaxing.