
Multiple Meaning Word Jokes

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  • What do you call a piece of wood with nothing to do?
    A. Bored  B. Timber  C. Lazy
  • Why couldn't the skunk get into the movies?
    A. It was closed.  B. He only had a scent. C .. No animals allowed.
  • What did the fork say to the egg?
    A. Watch out!  B. Nice to meet you.   C. I'm going to beat you!
  • What has 3 feet but can't run?
    A. An injured spider  B. A yard  C. A 3-legged monster
  • What is the most important fruit in all history?
    A. Dates  B. Apples 3.  C. Grapes
  • What kind of instruments to all people have?
    A. Harmonica  B. Singing Voice  C. Organ
  • What has a lot of teeth but can not chew?
    A. A shark  B. A dinosaur  C. A comb
  • How do you make a library bigger?
    A. Add another story. B. Buy more books. C. Hire a construction company.
  • Why can't a leopard hide?
    A. Because it is too big.  B. Because it is always spotted.  C. Because it runs so fast.
  • What has four wheels and flies?
    A. A garbage truck  B. A plane  C. An SUV
  • What has a tongue but can not talk?
    A. A shoe  B. A lizard  C. A frog
  • What are the strongest creatures in the ocean?
    A. Sharks  B. Mussels  C. Orca Whales
  • Why did the farmer plant his money?
    A. He thought money grew on trees.  B. He was hiding it.  C. He wanted his soil to be rich.