
What is this phobia about?

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  • ophidiophobia
    fear of snakes
  • aquaphobia /ˌæk.wəˈfəʊ.bi.ə/
    fear of water
  • pluviophobia
    fear of the rain
  • trypanophobia /i/
    fear of injections
  • aerophobia
    fear of flying
  • koumpounophobia: (buttons-dogs-flying?)
    Fear of buttons
  • cynophobia /ˌsaɪnəˈfoʊbi.ə/
    fear of dogs
  • arachnophobia
    fear of spiders
  • equinophobia
    fear of horses
  • claustrophobia /klɔːstrəˈfəʊbiːə/
    fear of confined spaces
  • acrophobia /akrəˈfōbēə/
    fear of heights
  • leukophobia (blood, colour white or colour red)
    fear to colour white