
Grade 9_SGK_U10 Looking Back

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  • Talking to Tuoi Tre newspaper, the two astronauts said they enjoyed fl_________ around in the weightless environment.
  • The largest planet in our s_______ sy_______ that has more gravity than Earth, and many storms.
    solar system
  • Experiencing microgravity on a p________ fl________ is part of astronaut training programmes.
    parabolic flight
  • In 2015 NASA discovered an Earth-like planet which might be ha________ because it has ‘just the right’ conditions to support liquid water and possibly even life.
  • He found that Earth didn’t look as big as he thought, no bo__________ on Earth could be seen from space we should cooperate to take care of it
  • Called ‘The Jewel of the Solar System’, this is the only planet whose beautiful rings can be seen from Earth with a te_____________.
  • One of the largest me________ found on Earth is the Hoba from southwest Africa, which weighs about 54,000 kg.
  • On the ISS astronauts have to at________ themselves so they don’t float around.
  • It is cheaper to build an unmanned sp________ than the one that is manned.
  • Vinasat-1 is Viet Nam’s first telecommunication sa________, which was launched in 2008.