
ORT PreK Presents for Dad

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  • What does Biff bring for Dad?
    Biff brings a box of chocolates for Dad.
  • What are these? They are _______.
  • Name three 'w' words
    waiter, wife, walk, water, watch, way
  • What present does Kipper bring for Dad?
    Kipper brings grapes for Dad.
  • What does Mum give to Dad?
    Mum gives Dad a kiss.
  • Who brings flowers for Dad?
    Chip brings flowers for Dad.
  • What was the name of our story today?
    Presents for Dad
  • What happened to Dad?
    Dad broke his leg.
  • What's this?
    It's a bunch of flowers.
  • What does Kipper do with Dad's grapes?
    Kipper eats Dad's grapes.