
Literature test February-March

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  • Justine was accused of killing William because...
    his mothers locket was found in her pocket
  • What terrible event happens on Frankenstein's wedding night?
    he creature kills Elizabeth
  • books that people write about their own life
  • The conflict in gothic fiction is mostly .....
    person vs. supernatural
  • What are 2 types of genres?
    Fiction and Non-fiction
  • What is the type of the plot in "The diamond as big as Ritz "
    Voyage and return
  • Contains some sort of scientific element, such as Outer space Medicine Technology
    Science Fiction
  • century of romanticism
    19 (1798-1837)
  • Stories that could actually “happen” in real life can be called
    realistic fiction
  • characters in drama can be called ---
  • How is drama different from other kinds of fiction?
    Drama is written to be performed by actors for an audience
  • Instructions that tell the actors what they are supposed to do during acting
    Stage directions
  • ___________is used in many works of literature to show foolishness or vice in humans, organizations, or even governments - it uses sarcasm, ridicule, or irony.
  • A book titled “How to be the Best Gardener” can be called
    Informational Writing
  • How does Walton feel about Frankenstein?
    He likes Frankenstein, and hopes they will become friends
  • Fill in the blank: The author uses _______ to suggest what may happen next in the story.
  • central or dominant idea can be called
  • people’s way to explain the universe- this genre can be called---
  • poems that have no regular meter or rhythm can be called
    Free verse
  • What is an omen? Give a synonym
  • Victor meets up with the Monster ______ where he hears the story of how the Monster has survived.
    the Alps
  • Story told generation to generation, usually by word of mouth can be called
    Folk Tale
  • Name the rhyme scheme of Shakespearean sonnet
  • It is the structure of end words of a verse or line that a poet needs to create when writing a poem.
  • Speech between characters in a play
  • Name 3 elements of gothic fiction
    come on it s easy