
IE 2.3

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  • The flight to Beijing is going to ......... about 11 hours. (save/ spend/ take/ waste)
  • Don't .......... time doing things you don't enjoy. (save/ spend/ take/ waste)
  • Rewrite the sentences using as ... as ... I drive more carefully than you. --> I don't ..............
    I don't drive as carefully as you.
  • Rewrite the sentences using as ... as ... Her shoes were more stylish than her handbag. --> Her handbag wasn't ...........
    Her handbag wasn't as stylish as her shoes.
  • Write sentences with ever. That/ bad flight/ we/ have.
    That's the worst flight we have had.
  • We'll ........ time if we go on the freeway. There's much less traffic. (take/ waste/ spend/ save)
  • She needs to ............. more time studying. (take/ waste/ spend/ save)
  • Write sentences with ever. This/ interesting city/ I/ visit.
    This is the most interesting city I have visited.
  • I'm not going to finish my homework. I don't have enough time/ time enough.
    time enough
  • I'm not very good at football. I'm not enough tall/ tall enough.
    tall enough