
Planet Earth

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  • What is weathering?
    When Earth's crust is broken down. It changes the sizes and shapes of the material in the crust.
  • Lava or magma can cool quickly or slowly to form igneous rocks. How does this affect the rocks that are formed?
    When it cools slowly the crystals are larger. When it cools quickly the crystals are smaller.
  • What is melted rock called when it is still inside the earth?
  • What is the difference between weathering and erosion?
    Weathering breaks down the materials in the earth's crust without movement. Erosion carries the materials away to other parts, for example by wind or water.
  • What is magma called when it is pushed out into the air, for example through a volcano?
  • The imaginary line that goes through the center of the earth.
  • What is the envelope of gases that surrounds a planet called?
  • Explain how the rock cycle works.
    Rocks can change back and forth between the different types. Answers will vary.
  • This sphere is the system of water on Earth in all of its forms.
  • What is the core of the earth?
    The inner layer of the earth
  • What is the crust of the earth?
    The thin, outer layer of the earth. It's like the skin of the earth.
  • What is igneous rock?
    Rock that forms when magma cools.
  • This sphere is the earth itself. It also includes events such as volcanoes and earthquakes.
  • What are metamorphic rocks.
    Rocks that form when other rocks are transformed under intense heat and pressure.
  • Explain how days occur on Earth.
    The earth revolves around its own axis. The side facing the sun has day. The opposite side has night.
  • Give two examples of physical weathering.
    Animals digging, plant roots pushing at soil, etc.
  • What is chemical weathering?
    When Earth's crust is broken down and the minerals that make up the rocks change into new minerals.
  • Explain how the seasons occur on Earth.
    The earth is tilted on its axis and revolves around the sun. The part closer to the sun has summer. The part further away has winter.
  • What is the sphere that consists of all the life on Earth?
  • What are sedimentary rocks?
    Rocks that form when sediment makes layers and the layers are pressed together.
  • What is the mantle of the earth?
    The middle layer of the earth. It consists mostly of solid rock, but also some magma.
  • What are two examples of chemical weathering?
    A rusty piece of metal; Stalagmites and stalactites in a limestone cave; etc.