
True or False

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  • Emus can't walk backwards.
    True, emus are the only bird species that have calf muscles.
  • A dog's normal body temperature is just like that of a human.
    False, their average temperature is around 38°C.
  • An ant can only lift objects as heavy as its own height.
    False, acording to a Ohio State University research the ants' necks ruptured at forces of 3400-3500 times their average body weight.
  • Only female mosquitoes will bite you.
    True, but did you know not all mosquitos feed on humans? Some specialize in just in animals.
  • Vincent Van Gogh sold only 1 painting his whole life.
    False, he sold several but there was only one sale.
  • Lobsters have always been considered luxury food.
    False, they were once considered the poor man's chicken.
  • A baby is born in the world every three seconds.
    False, the average number is about 4 babies per second.
  • On a clear night, the human eye can see around 6000 stars in the sky.
    False, the eye can only see about 2000 - 3000. Stars glow because after absorbing radiation, they radiate much more than what they have absorbed.
  • The Sahara has always been a desert.
    False, a 9000-year-old cave painting, found in Sahara, showing men hunting lions and hippos proving that the area was once fertile land.
  • The average person dreams only once during the night.
    False, the average is between 4-6 times.
  • The emperor penguin can stay underwater for 5 minutes.
    False, up to 22 minutes actually.
  • Raindrops aren't really shaped like drops.
    True, they are perfectly round.
  • A cat has about 50 muscles in each ear.
    False, they have exactly 32 muscles in each ear.
  • Mercury is the hottest planet in the solar system.
    False, altough Mercury is closer to the sun, the hottest planet is Venus because of the gases in its atmosphere.
  • Not all spiders spin webs.
    True, some of the male spiders pluck their cobwebs like a guitar to attract female spiders.
  • Cows can sleep standing up.