
Music Battle

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  • Put into the correct order: a/an expensive / wooden / small violin.
    an expensive small wooden violin
  • Give a synonym: like, love, enjoy.
    to be into, to keen on
  • Use the root to make a word: perform + ?
    perform + ance = performance
  • Continue: The dog is ______ __ _____ to another dog.
    The dog is giving a ring to another dog.
  • Translate: Я принял решение научиться играть на флейте.
    I made up my mind to learn to play the flute.
  • Translate: Мои друзья очень повлияли на мой музыкальный вкус.
    My friends had a big influence on my music taste.
  • Put into the correct order: a small / British / popular / band.
    a popular small British band
  • Agree with the sentence: I used to play the piano when I was 10.
    So did I
  • Give a synonym: improvised.
    played by ear
  • Agree with the sentence: I have never been to a gig.
    Neither have I
  • Give a definition: to come across
    to find by chance
  • Translate: Она сказала: "Музыка зависит от моего настроения".
    She said: “Music depends on my mood”.
  • Alias Time! Explain 5 words in one minute.
    to get goose bumps, to suggest, to attend, to come up with, vibes
  • Name 3 percussion musical instruments.
    drums, triangle, xylophone
  • Use the root to make a word: repeat + ?
    repeat + itive = repetitive
  • Give a definition: to come up with
    to think of; to produce and idea / a plan
  • Translate: Мой отец пообещал мне, что мы пойдем на концерт на выходных.
    My father promised me that we would go to the concert at the weekend.
  • Name 5 music styles in which you can hear a synthesiser.
    rock, rap, pop, dance, alternative
  • Continue: In the morning I listen to music __ ____ _______ .
    In the morning I listen to music at full volume.
  • Which category does this musical instrument belong to?
  • Mime time! Show 5 words without speaking in one minute.
    accordion, to give a ring, rhythm, rap
  • What musical instruments can you hear in this song?
    piano, cello, violin
  • How is this musical instrument called?
    a cello
  • How would you describe this song with 5 adjectives?
    expressive, rhythmic, strange, modern, catchy