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  • What's the weather like today? It's sunny. The sun shines today. What's the temperature today? (30)
    It's 30 degrees.
  • What's the weather like today? (stormy / lightning and thunder )
    It's stormy. There is lightning and thunder.
  • 溫暖的
  • 閃電
  • What's the weather like today? It's windy. The wind blows. What's the temperature today? (10)
    It's 10 degrees.
  • What's the weather like today? It's snowy. There is a lot of snow. What's the temperature today? (-5)
    It's 5 degrees below zero.
  • What's the weather like today? (w_ _ _)
    It's warm.
  • What's the weather like today? (cloudy / clouds)
    It's cloudy. There are many clouds in the sky.
  • What's the weather like today? (snowy / a lot of snow )
    It's snowy. There is a lot of snow.
  • What's the weather like today? (w_ _)
    It's wet.
  • 天氣溼熱的
  • 濕的;下雨的
  • What's the weather like today? It's rainy. We have heavy rain. What's the temperature today? (25)
    It's 25 degrees.
  • What's the weather like today? It's stormy. There's lightning and thunder. What's the temperature today? (20)
    It's 20 degrees.
  • What's the weather like today? (h _ _ _ _)
    It's humid.
  • 打雷
  • What's the weather like today? (stormy/ a storm)
    It's stormy. There is a storm.