
Easter traditions quiz

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  • What is the name for the houses that birds make?
    a nest
  • Where in the world do they smash pots at Easter time? Greece / Italy / France
  • Where in the world do they eat a giant lamb made of BUTTER at Easter? Russia / Hungary / Poland
  • True or false? Rabbits with upright ears hear better than rabbits with floppy ears
  • Where in the world do they have a Easter bonnet (hat) competition? USA / UK / Germany
  • How many eggs are sold in the UK at Easter time? 20 million 50 million 80 million
    80 million
  • What is the name for a baby bird?
    A chick
  • Where are the eggs?
    In the basket
  • What is the name of this Easter character?
    The Easter Bunny
  • Where in the world do they eat capybara, iguana and turtles for Easter? Colombia / Brazil / New Zealand
  • What colour do children prefer their jellybeans
  • Where in the world do they fly giant kites at Easter? Iran / Bermuda / Australia