
Unit 6

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  • 3 forms of energy electricity can be transformed into:
    Luminous, Heat and Mechanical energy
  • In most electrical installations the loads are connected parallel, why?
    It allows them to work with tha same voltage and if any one of them breaks the others continue to operate.
  • When an electrical current circulates through a coil wrapped around an iron bar, what happens?
    It becomes electromagnetic.
  • When each connection is connected to the positive and negative pole of the battery so that they are powered by the same voltage:
    Parallel Connections
  • A circuit that has different loads located one after another so that the same electrical current circulates to them sequentially:
    Series Connections
  • In a series connection what happens to the voltage provided by the battery?
    It is divided among the different loads.
  • If you rub a pen on a piece of cloth and place it next to small pieces of paper what will happen?
    The bits of paper will be attracted to the pen.
  • Two types of components used to control and protect circuits.
    Control and Protective Device.
  • What does a continual movement of electrical charges through conductive materials create?
    Electrical Current
  • The cables or wires that connect the power source to the load.
  • Household appliances that use electricity to produce heat have an element called:
  • What is the manifestation of energy associated with electrical charges both at rest and in movement called?
    Electrical Energy or Electricty.
  • This is the device from which the circulating electrical current originates.
    Power Source
  • The most commonly used form of energy in society?
  • When the loads are connected in series and in parallel the assembly is called?
    Combined Connection
  • Name 2 sources electricity can be obtained from.
    petroleum, wind, sun or water.
  • Loads can be connected in 3 different ways:
    Series, Parallel, Combined Circuits.
  • In a series connection what happens if a load breaks or is disconnected?
    The circuit stops working.
  • Why do electrical Currents cause different effects as they pass through the components of a circuit?
    Because electricity can easily transform into other types of energy.
  • Name the components of an electrical circuit.
    Power Source, Load, Conductors.
  • Name 3 household appliances that use electricity produce heat:
    Iron, Toaster, Dryer, Electric Heater.
  • Name 2 generators that are used to make different electrical circuits work.
    Batteries, Accumulators,Alternators, Dynamos.
  • In a parallel connection the total electrical current of the circuit is the sum of what?
    The sum of currents of each load.
  • The device that transforms electrical energy into another form of energy.
  • A set of elements connected to one another so an electrical current can circulate through them.
    Electrical Circuit.