
My resolutions

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  • What countries do you want to visit?
    Student's own answer
  • What are you hoping to do next summer?
    Student's own answer
  • Are you planning to go out on the weekend?
    Student's own answer
  • Do you intend to look for a new job soon?
    Student's own answer
  • Are you planning to go on vacation soon?
    Student's own answer
  • Do you need to save money for anything?
    Student's own answer
  • Where would you like to live?
    Student's own answer
  • What do you need to do this week?
    Student's own answer
  • What do you intend to do tonight?
    Student's own answer
  • What do you want to change about your life?
    Student's own answer
  • What other languages would you like to learn?
    Student's own answer
  • Would you like to be famous one day?
    Student's own answer
  • Where do you plan to go after this class?
    Student's own answer
  • Do you need to buy anything on the weekend?
    Student's own answer
  • Why did you decide to study English?
    Student's own answer