
Food chains and food webs

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  • Decomposers live on ___
    the remains of other living things (dead organisms)
  • What type of relationship is this?
  • Predator or prey? The zebra
  • What provides organisms with energy to live?
  • Predation, commensalism or parasitism? Benefits one organism and can harm the other
  • What type of relationship does this show?
    Cooperation (hierarchical communities)
  • What type of relationship is this?
  • What does a food chain always start with?
    The sun
  • Food chains show...
    who is eating who
  • Highly organised societies with each organism specialised in a different role are called ___
    hierarchical communities
  • What type of relationship is this?
  • What type of relationship is this?
  • Stable groups where offspring are fed and cared for by their mothers are called ____
    Family groups
  • What type of relationship?
    Cooperation (family groups)
  • Two males of the same species compete for a female is called ___
  • Predation, parasitism or commensalism: a stronger animal kills and eats an animal of a different species
  • Parasite or host? the human
  • The movement of energy through an ecosystem can be represented through...
    food chains and food webs
  • What type of relationship does this picture show?
    Cooperation (gregarious species)
  • Predation, commensalism or parasitism? Benefits one organism and does not help or harm the other organism
  • In an ecosystem, connected food chains make up ___
    a food web
  • Animals that move, migrate or live in groups to protect themselves from predators are called___
    gregarious species
  • What type of relationship is this?
    Cooperation (gregarious species)
  • A food chain chain has three levels. They are ___
    producers, consumers and decomposers
  • Plants make their own food through ___
  • What type of relationship is this?
    Cooperation (gregarious species)
  • How do consumers obtain their food?
    By eating other living things
  • Parasite or host? the mosquito