
Attributes 1

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  • Boat
    vehicle, in the water, floats, big and small
  • tree
    plant, has leaves, loses leaves in fall, big, has trunk, brown/green, grows big, see it outside
  • Apple
    fruit, we eat it, red/yellow/green, pick it off a tree, has skin
  • beach
    sand, go there when its warm, build sand castles, next to ocean, has palm trees, need swimsuit
  • butterfly
    insect/bug, has wings, like flowers, flies, lots of different colors, antennas
  • Flip flops/sandals
    clothing, wear on our feet, wear when its warm, you can still see your foot when you are wearing them
  • banana
    fruit, we eat it, has peel, yellow, monkeys like to eat it
  • cupcake
    dessert, celebrations, has wrapper, sprinkles, frosting, lots of different flavors
  • pizza
    round, cook in oven, has crust and cheese, lots of toppings, eat it for lunch/dinner
  • Bus
    vehicle, take it places, lots of people can ride it, yellow, takes kids to school, has lots of windows
  • Turtle
    small, slow, green, has shell, lives on land and in water, lots of different kinds
  • Cactus
    plant, in warm places, has needles/spikeys all over it, you can't touch it
  • watermelon
    fruit, we eat it, green outside/red inside, large fruit, cut it to eat it, has seeds
  • backpack
    put things in it, carry it on your back/shoulders, use for school, lots of different colors, put your lunchbox in it
  • milk
    drink/beverage, we drink it, comes from a cow, it's white, we can add chocolate to it
  • comuter
    electronic, has keyboard, mouse, use it to research or play games, watch movies, black, laptop/desktop, use it at home and school
  • Coat
    clothing, wear when its cold, has a zipper, wear on your arms and top part of body
  • Halloween
    October 21st, go trick or treating, wear a costume, get lots of candy, spooky!, carve pumpkins
  • Christmas
    December 25th, get presents, Santa comes, spend time with family
  • pencil
    use it at school, made of wood and lead, write with it, has an eraser, yellow/many colors, writing utensil
  • Scissors
    school item, use with crafts, cuts paper, sharp, you have to be careful with them, has a hand, made of metal and plastic
  • plane
    vehicle, flies in the air, lots of people on board, go to the airport, get your to places faster, has wings
  • Elephant
    animal, zoo, grey, has big ears, has a trunk, very big
  • Rabbit
    animal, hops, big/long ears, small, we see it outside, likes to eat carrots
  • Carrot
    vegetable, we eat it, bunnies like it, its orange, grows under ground