
Economic Quality of Life

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  • Identify the four pillar industries in Hong Kong.
    Financial services, Trading & logistics, Tourism, Professional (and producer) services
  • Explain why HK is known to be an “externally oriented economy”
    our economy relies on global trade and working with people and companies from around the world
  • The government will distribute HK$5000 in digital vouchers (i.e. via Octopus, Alipay, Payme) to boost our local economy. To what extent do you think it'll be effective in improving HK's economy?
    Effective: vouchers so cannot save money and need to spend, Ineffective: one-off impact only, elderly might struggle to use it
  • What are TWO indices that measure quality of life?
    Human Development Index (HDI), CUHK's Quality of Life Index, Mercer’s Quality of Living Survey
  • HK's median income per month is...
  • Provide TWO examples of sub-industries under "professional services"
    Lawyers, Accountants, Engineers
  • Explain the difference in HK's rankings on two different quality of life indices.
    HDI: focuses on health, education, and income (HK does well), but Mercer's Quality of Life index includes measure like housing.
  • HK's minimum wage is currently at HK$37.50. Explain whether this is sufficient to live decently in HK based on your research of expenses in HK.
    Assuming we work 9 hours / day (22 days a week), this person makes just HK$7,500. It might prove insufficient based on some of our cost assumptions.
  • Define quality of life.
    Individuals’ level of satisfaction in relation to the different aspects of their lives
  • Identify three ways to measure quality of life from an economic perspective.
    Unemployment rate, inflation, median income, GDP, GDP / capita
  • HK's unemployment rate is currently at... (round to the nearest whole number)
  • Trading & logistics remains the most important pillar of HK's economy. Suggest ONE argument supporting and ONE argument opposing this statement.
    Trading & logistics = still largest component of GDP; but HK less important as container ports services have steadily declined.