
pre teens 3 mid review

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  • there are too (much) people but (not enough) food
    much - many
  • I (used to be) scared of clowns, until they (jumped) in front of me and (gave) me a fright.
    used to be - didn't use to be
  • when they (were) in the same class, Cella (use to hang) out with Jacinda
    use to hang - used to hang
  • it's hard to buy gift for (someone) who have (everyone)
    someone - everyone
  • (everything) is broken, but it doesn't look like it was a work of human. So (somewhere) else must have entered this room last night.
    somewhere - something
  • you (must) bring food tomorrow. The school (will) provide it for you.
    must - don't have to
  • there are too (many) noise in the neighborhood, but (not enough) people care about them
    many - much
  • the house (who) was built in 1991 was (taken) down last week.
    who - which
  • didn't you (used) to exercise in the morning? I (never) see you at dawn anymore.
    used - use
  • she (don't have to) wake up early tomorrow because (it) is a holiday
    don't have to - doesn't have to
  • you (musn't) listen to (your) teacher
    musn't - mustn't
  • the house (who) the murder happened (was) located in Bekasi
    who - where
  • the papers are (everything)! they are scattered (on) the floor
    everything - everywhere
  • last night there (was) a burglar (which) was caught in the bank.
    which - who
  • the city, (where) is known for it's riot, has (started) its way to peace
    where - which