
Judaism, Christianity, Islam Test Review

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  • Founder of Islam?
  • Christians believe Jesus is the ___________. Muslims and Jews do not.
  • What is the covenant?
    Agreement made between God and Abraham in Jewish faith
  • What is Sunni?
    Sunni is the larger branch of Islam that does not believe the caliph (leader of the faith) needs to be related to Muhammad?
  • Founder of Judaism?
  • Decribe the Five Pillars of Islam.
    Declaration of faith, Pray 5 Times a Day, Give to the Poor, Fast during Ramadan, Make the Hajj once in life.
  • What does it mean to be a Muslim?
    To be a follower of Islam.
  • What is the belief of the Trinity? Which religions have we discussed that DO NOT believe in it?
    Trinity is belief that God is three persons in one God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Jews and Muslims do not believe in the Trinity.
  • Celebration of the coming of age for a Jewish boy or girl. There are two names
    Bar Mitzvah/Bat Mitzvah
  • What is the Holy Book of Islam?
  • Laws given to the Jews at Mount Sinai. These are important to Christians and Muslims too.
    Ten Commandments
  • What is the Holy Book of Judaism?
  • Founder of Christianity?
  • What does it mean to be a martyr?
    To be a person who dies for their faith.
  • What is Shia?
    Shia is the smaller branch of Islam that believes the caliph (leader of the faith) must be related to Muhammad.
  • What was the Exodus?
    Time in Torah when Moses led the Jews out of Egypt?
  • 8 day celebration for Jewish People
  • Symbol of Islam?
    Star & Crescent or the Kaaba
  • What is the Hajj?
    One of 5 Pillars- Journey to Mecca for A Muslim that is required once during lifetime.
  • What was the Reformation?
    A period of time where groups broke away from the Catholic Church and created their own churches.
  • What is the symbol of Christianity?
    Cross or Crucifix
  • Nazi Germany created this which harmed and killed millions of Jews
  • What was the Passover
    Event in the Torah where the Angel of Death killed the firstborn Egyptians but protected the Jews.
  • What does it mean to be kosher
    Follow Jewish rules and regulations for the foods you eat.
  • Symbol of Judaism?
    Star of David
  • What is the Holy Book of Christianity?
  • What is Sunni?
    This is the larger branch of Islam that does not believe the caliph (leader of the faith) needs to be related to Muhammad.