
Ch.9 Vocab. and Review

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  • Who was the first Vice-president of the U.S.?
    John Adams
  • In 1933, congress voted to ___________________, or cancel, the 18th amendment which had made alcohol illegal.
  • Between which two states was the new capital city located?
    Virginia and Maryland
  • The government sold ____________________ in order to make money that they could use immediately. They would pay it back later, with interest.
  • George Washington set the __________________ of serving only two terms as president.
  • Those who believed in a ________________ construction of the Constitution wanted to interpret it word for word and not go beyond what it said.
  • _______________ were held by each political party to choose their candidate for the upcoming presidential election.
  • As the conflict between Hamilton and Jefferson increased, _______________, or political parties, developed.
  • Name two parts of Hamilton's financial plan for the nation.
    National Bank, taxes, tarriffs, bonds, assumption of states' debts
  • After Washington refused to help Great Britain in a war, they resorted to the ________________ of American sailors into the British Navy.
  • Today, the president's ______________ includes 16 people - the Vice-president and the heads of the 15 executive departments.
  • The ______________ manages the nation's legal affairs.
    Attorney General
  • After the Battle of Fallen Timbers, which treaty forced the Native Americans to give up 75% of the Ohio land?
    Treaty of Greenville
  • Alexander Hamilton believed in a _________________ construction of the Constitution. He felt that powers could be implied and not stated directly.
  • The ________________ Department was set up to manage the nation's money.
  • The ______________ Department was set up to manage relations with other countries.
  • Name 3 results of Hamilton's financial plan.
    tax on whiskey; high tarriffs; National Bank; assumption of states' debts; location of national capital
  • The weather forecast calls for a little snow each day this week. By Friday, it will ____________________ to 6-8 inches on the ground.
  • Although Martin had lived and worked in Ohio for 22 years, he was still a(n) _______________ because he was not an American citizen.
  • George Washington began a policy of _________________ by refusing to become involved in other countries' wars.
  • After 8 years in office, the outgoing president had to __________________ his power to the incoming president.
  • President Trump was accused of _______________ because some people felt he worked to weaken the government by inciting violence.
  • What was the significance of the Whiskey Rebellion?
    It showed the strength of the new federal government.
  • Some people felt that Hamilton's financial plan was _________________ because it strongly favored his own political party.