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  • What is a primary source?
    first-hand account, created at the actual time being studied
  • What kind of punctuation mark goes with a title in an MLA citation?
    quotation marks
  • If your information is a commonly known fact (like the day Abraham Lincoln was assassinated: April 15, 1865) would you need to cite it?
    No, commonly known information does not have to be cited (found in 3 or more sources)
  • What do you do to the 2nd line of a citation?
    indent it
  • What is the first piece of information in an MLA citation?
    author's last name (if found)
  • What does the most recent date of access mean in a citation?
    The original date YOU retrieved information from the source.
  • Do you have to cite videos you use if they are on YouTube?
  • What is a secondary source?
    interpretation or analysis of historical events from perspective of someone not at the original event (like a textbook)
  • What is a database?
    organized collection of a variety of sources and information stored electronically
  • What is a URL?
    Uniform Resource Locator, another name for a web address
  • Are the Internet and the Web (WWW) the same thing?
    No. The Internet is the network of connected computers, the WWW is the pages of information you see
  • What is it called when you use someone else's work in your paper and don't give them credit?
  • Do you need to cite  pictures/images you use in a paper?
  • When citing a magazine, you should look for what number?
    Issue or edition number
  • What is the name for a compiled list of sources used in research?
    Works cited or Bibliography
  • How are source lists organized?