
Ace 2 review

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  • He is...
  • The cat is ___ the cupboard and the lion is ________ the robot.
    in, next to
  • The cat is...
    on the table
  • She is...
  • The cat is...
    between the dogs
  • Complete and answer the question: _______ there a _______? Yes, _________.
    Is there a sign? Yes, there is.
  • Complete and answer the question:_____ there a ______? Yes, ________.
    Is there a fence? Yes, there is.
  • The apple is...
    next to the book
  • The dog is ...
    under the cat
  • There is a ___________. There isn't a ___________.
    There is a fence. There isn't a statue.
  • Are they dizzy?
    No, they're not. They are happy and excited.
  • He is wearing...
    a t-shirt and shorts
  • He is...
  • He is wearing...
  • Can they play the recorder?
    Yes, they can.
  • Can she play the violin?
    No, she can't. She can play the cello.