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  • This heat has made me come out in an itchy red rash. COME OUT IN
    If you come out in something, such as spots, they appear on your skin
  • I'd only just cottoned on to the fact that they were having a relationship. COTTON ON
    to begin to understand a situation or fact
  • I blacked out right after the accident. BLACK OUT
    to become unconscious
  • rainy days always get me down. GET DOWN
    depress or demoralize someone.
  • I was only teasing him and suddenly he lashed out (at me) and hit me in the face.LASH OUT
    to suddenly attack someone or something physically or criticize him, her, or it in an angry way
  • The look on his face just creased me up. CREASE UP
    to laugh a lot, or make someone else laugh a lot:
  • 1. The fruit dried and shriveled up. 2. Our clients' patience has shriveled up—they want an answer, now! SHRIVEL UP
    To become totally withered or wrinkled, as due to an absence or departure of water.
  • The joke didn't go down very well. GO DOWN WELL
    to be received in a particular way:
  • The study followed up over 200 heart patients. FOLLOW UP
    to check the health of someone who has received medical treatment, in order to be certain that it was effective
  • He used his umbrella to ward off the fierce sun. WARD OFF
    to keep someone or something away or prevent something from happening or harming you
  • She’s just getting over the flu. GET OVER
    to return to your usual state of health or happiness after having a bad or unusual experience, or an illness:
  • She hasn't come round from the anaesthetic yet. COME ROUND
    to become conscious again after an accident or operation
  • He passed on the chance to be head coach and took a job in Florida. PASS ON
    to refuse an opportunity or decide not to take part in something
  • They said the operation had been successful and they expected his wife to pull through. PLAY THROUGH
    to become well again after a serious illness, especially when you might have dieD
  • He plays you up because he likes you. PLAY UP
  • I always summon up my childhood memories when I visit this place. SUMMON UP
    to bring (a memory, feeling, image, etc
  • she passed away in her sleep. PASS AWAY