
Ms. Laura

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  • Does Ms. Laura live in Capital hill, Magnolia, or Central District?
  • Which food does Ms. Laura prefer? (Nachos, salads or candy)?
  • Name one of Ms. Laura's hobbies
    singing and watching movies
  • Who is one of Ms. Laura's best friends at work?
    Teacher Summer or Teacher Jing
  • What is one of Ms. Laura's favorite colors right now?
    purple, green or pink
  • What is Ms. Laura's favorite subject to teach?
    Math or Social Studies 
  • How many years has Miss Laura been a teacher? (13, 9, or 12)
  • What country or continent did Ms. Laura visit right before the pandemic hit?
    Morocco/ Africa
  • What house in Harry Potter is Ms. Laura?
    Gryffindor or Slytherin
  • What is Ms. Laura's classroom room number?
  • What is Ms. Laura's student teacher's name?
    Mr. Mateo
  • What job would Miss Laura want if she wasn't a teacher?
    an Actress