
PET1 unit 6 review

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  • How MANY / MUCH / LOTS OF parks are there in the city centre?
  • I hate going shopping in the city center. There are always lots of ___________.
  • I was studying in my bedroom when the _____________ occured. I couldn't see anything.
    power cut
  • I usually go to high school in __________ because there's always a ___________ at 8 am and I hate waiting.
    public transport / traffic jam
  • We need to solve the cities' air ____________ problem.
  • Can you throw this letter I wrote in the ________, please? I want to send it to my friend in Poland.
    post box
  • I haven't got MANY / MUCH / A LOT of time right now. Can I help you later?
    a lot
  • Yesterday, I saw some vandals painting _________ on the school wall.
  • I always throw the plastic in the _______________. I think we have to take care of the planet.
    recycling bin
  • Is there MANY / MUCH / A LOT graffiti in your town?
  • There are MANY / MUCH / A LOT OF good things about living in the country, like it's quieter.
    a lot of
  • I need to buy A LITTLE / ANY / A FEW things. Can we go to the supermarket?
    a few
  • Slow down! The _________ is 80 km/h in this road.
    speed limit
  • Where can we put this rubbish? I can't see SOME / ANY / MUCH bins.