
Mold and Fungus

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  • How does mold eat?
    They decompose the food, breaking into pieces.
  • What's the ideal environment for mold to grow?
    The ideal space are wet and closed spaces, with no air and light.
  • What is mold?
    Mold is a type of fungus that decomposes things.
  • How is mold useful?
    In nature, mold decomposes things and they come back to the soil, giving nutrients to other plants.
  • What's an example of fungus?
    Mushrooms and mold.
  • What does mold eat?
    They can eat anything.
  • What color can mold be?
    They can be green, yellow, purple, black, etc.
  • How is mold dangerous?
    When they spread in a house or food, it can be very difficult to get rid off.