
What day is this?

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  • What is the date?
    April 31 (twenty first), 2019
  • What is the date?
    August 21(twenty first), 2019
  • What is the date?
    January 1(first), 2018
  • What is the date?
    March 15(fifteenth), 2019.
  • What is the date of St. Patricks Day?
    March 17 (seventtnth),2021
  • What is the date?
    September 19(nineth), 2018
  • What is the date?
    May 15 (fifteenth), 2017
  • What is the date?
    February 4 (forth), 2010
  • What is the date?
    March 8 (eigth)
  • What is the date?
    July 9 (nineth), 2014
  • What is the date?
    June 6(sixth), 2018
  • What is the date?
    November 30 (thirtyth), 2016
  • What is the date?
    November 2(second), 1982.
  • Its march, but what date is it?
    March 10 (tenth), 2021
  • What is the date?
    July 4 (fourth)
  • What is the date?
    December 25 (twenty fifth)
  • What is the date?
    Jnauary 10 (tenth),2018
  • What date is it?
    August 23 (twenty third)
  • What date is it?
    May 15 (fifteenth), 2018
  • What is the date?
    June 19 (nineteenth)
  • What is the date?
    June 13 (thirteenth), 2016.
  • What is the date?
    March 9(nineth), 2012
  • What is the date?
    February 14 (fourteenth), 2018
  • What is the date?
    October 30 (thirtyth), 2018