
Decline of the Spanish Monarchy

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  • Name 3 reasons that 17th century Spain went through a recession
    Agriculture/livestock production decreased; trade with Americas decreased; craft production decreased
  • Which two issues was the Duke of Lerma most concerned with?
    Expulsion of the Moriscos; financial crisis due to military expenses and debt
  • The poor grew poorer. Name 3 reasons for this
    higher state taxes; nobles demanded more rent and services; many had to sell thier land for cheap to repay debts
  • What happened when Carlos II died in 1700?
    the Spanish War of Succession
  • Where was the revolt known as La Sublevación de los Segadores fought?
  • During the 17th century, Europe's most important trading nations were ___
    England and the United Pronvinces
  • Since he had no heir, Carlos II had two candidates in mind to succeed him. Name them
    Charles of Asutria and Felipe de Borbon
  • Who were Moriscos?
    Muslims and converted to Chirstianity
  • What was the Union de Armas?
    A project to make all kingdoms of the monarchy share military expenses
  • 17th century Europe had very low population growth and a high mortality rate. Name at least 3 reasons for this
    Famines, epidemics, wars, major migrations
  • How many Moriscos were expelled from Spain?
  • In the 17th century, what part of Europe grew faster than other areas?
    North-west Europe
  • This Valido served under Felipe III from 1598 to 1618
    The Duke of Lerma
  • The Spanish succession war lasted from ___ to ___
    1700 to 1714
  • The organization of production in homes, rather than in specialised workplaces, was known as ____
    The Domestic System
  • Which Valido created El Gran Memorial and the Union de Armas?
    the Count-Duke of Olivares
  • Carlos II was known as ___
    el Hechicero
  • Who served as Valido during most of the Pax Hispanica?
    the Duke of Lerma
  • This Valido was known for being authoritarian, facing numerous revolts and then sent into exile
    the Count-Duke of Olivares
  • In Portugal, the Austrias Dynasty was replaced by ___
    the Braganzas
  • The Spanish Succession War led to the end of one dynasty and the beginning of another. Name them
    the end of the Austrian Dynasty and the beginning of the Bourbon Dynasty
  • The mostly peaceful period between 1598 and 1621 was known as___
    the Pax Hispanica
  • The two most important Validos of the 17th century were ___
    the Duke of Lerma and the Count-Duke of Olivares
  • What was El Gran Memorial
    A secret document proposing the unification of all Spanish territories
  • In 1598, who inherited the most powerful empire in the world?
    Felipe III
  • Craft production was regulated by associations called ___
  • The Truce of Twelve years was signed between Spain and ___
    the United Provinces
  • The Domestic System was also called ___
    the putting-put system
  • The Hapsbur Dynasty ended with the reign of ___
    Carlos II
  • Before the 17th century, which were Europe's 3 main economic powers?
    Spain, Portugal and Italy
  • Name 3 reasons that agriculture became less productive in 17th century Europe
    intensive farming led to less fertile land, climate and weather conditions and less demand for agricultural products