
Terms and definitions

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  • Language that "comes up", often unpredictably, in interaction during the lesson. It's the language learners use, correctly or otherwise, when trying to express meaning. Target or Emergent language?
    emergent language
  • Skills that include analysing, evaluating or creating. HOTs or LOTs?
    HOTs (Higher-order thinking skills)
  • Language that has been decided in advance will be learnt and which forms the main aims of the lesson. Target or Emergent language?
    target language
  • Usually applied in different times to different students.  Synchronous, asynchronous or blended?
    asynchronous teaching
  • Proceeds in a real time, in which all participants accept the presented experience simultaneously and they can react mutually.   Synchronous, asynchronous or blended?
    synchronous teaching
  • Support given to learners to enable them to perform tasks that would otherwise be beyond their capabilities.
  • Skills that include remembering and understanding.   HOTs or LOTs?
    LOTs (Lower-order thinking skills)
  • A course which combines online self-access materials with face-to-face interaction  in a classroom set up. The f2f component can be delivered in a physical or virtual classroom. Synchronous, asynchronous or blended?
    Blended Learning