
PWA Book 3 Review

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  • My mom ______ (cook) while we ______ (play) videogames.
    My mom was cooking while we were playing videogames.
  • The mint-choco ice cream was so (delicious/deliciously) that I finished it (quick/quickly).
    delicious / quickly
  • We ________ (take) an exam when the headteacher ________ (come) to our classroom.
    We were taking an exam when the headteacher came to our classroom.
  • Zoey was playing volleball ______ she broke her leg. (when/while)
  • My friend and I ________ (talk) in the bathroom when the fire _______ (start).
    My friend and I were talking in the bathroom when the fire started.
  • You really worked (hard/hardly) this summer, I saw you were always (busy/busily).
    hard / busy
  • _______ was the teacher talking about? -The Big Bang Theory.
  • I _________ (read) a book when my parents ____ (arrive).
    I was reading a book when my parents arrived.
  • ________ (Lucky/Luckily), I brought an umbrella just in case.
  • -_______ were you when your name was called? I had to receive the prize for you! -I answered to a call so I went outside.
  • -_________ people were cheating in the exam? - They were four students.
    How many
  • My English is (well/good). I travelled to the US and stayed for 5 months, so I learned the language very (fast/fastly).
    good / fast
  • My mom told me not to run (quick/quickly) when it rains because I can slip and fall down.
  • She's so good at multitasking, she can work ______ talking on the phone and listening to her daughter when she speaks to her.
  • She was looking at me (angry/angrily) so I asked her if everything was (fine/finely).
    angrily / fine
  • I was walking my dog when I ____ you. (see)
    I was walking my dog when I saw you.