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  • In Al-Andalus, this group of people were the most powerful
    The Muslims
  • The main activities in Al-Andalus were ___
    crafts and trade
  • Cristians we kept their own religion but adopted Muslim customs were called
  • At first Al-Andalus was a province that depended on___
    Caliph of Damascus
  • What was a zoco?
  • What was an alcázar?
    A fortified palace
  • Name 3 important things introduced by the Muslims
    Paper, number 0 and compass
  • What was an alcazaba?
    A fort (military building)
  • Christians who converted to Islam were called
  • What was the medina?
    Place where craftspeople lived
  • Most people in Al-Andalus live in ____
    walled towns and cities
  • What was a mezquita?
    A religious building where people prayed