
Solutions Pre-int 4E Phrasal verbs

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  • Don't stay up late! We need to LEAVE early tomorrow.
    set off
  • Please don't FINISH all the milk - I need some for my breakfast tomorrow.
    use up
  • The world's supply of gas is likely to run ............. in the next 10 years.
  • I need to THINK OF a good excuse for not handing in my homework.
    come up with
  • Solar energy works better in places where you can rely ............ good weather.
  • We should DELAY the meeting because nobody can come that day.
    put off
  • Many types of animals and plants are dying ......... because the Earth is getting warmer.
  • The EU recently decided to close ............ all the nuclear power stations in Europe.
  • The world's oceans are slowly heating .......
  • After running 10 kilometres, she was too tired to CONTINUE.
    carry on
  • When we cut .......... trees, we increase the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere.
  • I'm trying to STOP EATING junk food.
    give up
  • The number of people with smartphones is continuing to RISE.
    go up
  • Scientists recently came ....... ............ a car engine that uses only CO2.
    up with
  • He left his job so he could TAKE CARE OF his sons.
    look after