
Invertebrates Bio 1st ESO

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  • What are cnidoblasts?
    stinging cells that give this group its name.
  • Cnidaria have one opening surrounded by _________ with stinging cells.
  • What is the habitat of most cnidarians?
    the ocean
  • True or false: The osculum is part of cnidaria.
    False. It is part of the sponge which is Porifera.
  • Where do corals and sea anemones live?
    Attached to the ocean floor
  • These are the simplest invertebrate animals. They have no organs (2 types).
    Porifera and Cnidaria
  • How do sponges feed?
    They are filter feeders. They feed on oxygen and small particles of nutrients suspended in water.
  • What group of invertebrates is this?
    Porifera (it's a sponge)
  • The body wall of a sponge is full of tiny holes called ___________.
  • What group of invertebrates is this?
    cnidaria- it is coral
  • True or False: All invertebrates are motile (moving).
    False. Some are also sessile (stationary)
  • Cnidaria have a __________ __________ like a stomach, connected to their mouth.
    gastrovascular cavity
  • Most invertebrates have an external skeleton called an ____________.
  • Which Cnidaria stage does the jellyfish represent?
    medusa stage
  • What is this? What group of invertebrates is it in?
    Sea anemone? Cnidaria
  • What are the three groups of cnidaria?
    jellyfish, seas anemone, and corals
  • The invertebrate group _________ consists of sponges.
  • What do "motile" and "sessile" mean?
    motile: moving/ sessile: stationary
  • Water enters a sponge through its ______________ and deposits nutrients.
    central cavity
  • How do cnidarians feed?
    They are carnivorous predators
  • True or False: Invertebrates do not range in size. They are all very small.
    FALSE- Vertebrates have a wide range of sizes. From microscopic water fleas to the GIANT squid.
  • As adults, sponges are all motile. True or False?
    False. They are all sessile, and live attached to rocks or coral.
  • Why do cnidaria have stinging cells?
    To paralyze prey
  • An invertebrate's environment where it lives is also known as its _____________.
  • Invertebrates live in two kinds of environments. What are they?
    Aquatic and terrestrial